Today is another busy day..... It is also a special day.... My class gathering... even though only half of the class turned up....
It was held at my classmate Diana's house in Boon Lay....
At first, I thought... I will be able to be relaxing at her house.... But the truth is..... NO!!!
Hahaha!!! Why? Because we were well received by her two sons who are really " MY GOD!"
They are energetic... YL, S and myself played with them for only less than 20 minutes.... and then we were dropped dead tired!!!
I really admired Diana for her patience and determination to be able to study and look after her sons at the same time.... WOW!!!
At first.. I was thinking... if next time .... I had my own child ... am I able to look after him or her well!!!
The Answer: I must.... The child is my own responsibility.... when one decided to have a child.... you have to look after the child until he or she is able to look after themselves!!!
I really enjoyed the feast Diana had prepared for us.... it were really delicious.....
I was really full ..... and the next thing I wanted to do ....was to sleep...Haha... And also her house had the very condusive environment to sleep... All of us nearly knocked off except for her two sons; Danni and Derrick..... WOW... They were very awake.... Climbing here and there...
And also... there was the chili crab brought by my classmate tianya... all the way from East Coast.... "When i thought of that ...... i could feel my saliva drooling down the side of my mouth!"
*(The only seafood that I will eat....)
Anyway... tomorrow is also another busy day... AGain the same thing.... Group Discussion!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!