Welcome, welcome....... I was in a rich man's world on a Sunday afternoon for only 5 hours.
How come?
I met a rich man?
Nah........ Guess......
Let's read on what I am going to tell you.
The 5 hour journey was planned for a long time by our darling B....I was kind of doubtful if I was able to participate in the journey which falls on a Sunday... As you know, being a shift work worker, weekends, public holidays are burned most of the time. In order to go, I had to request for a DO on the selected day.... Initially, I was rejected firmly due to insufficient staff. Actually, I was very upset, not because I cannot go, but because I have to give in to others whom are most of the time taking weekend off...
I was very, very, very upset and kicked up a fuss, I was so angry that I lost it.
I told my supervisor that I am ok to give up to others but not the same people.....
(I am not difficult, ok, just a little pissed)
Thankfully, my supervisor re-planned the roster to be in everyone's favour, however there is always s a small imperfection. You cannot please everyone!
Opps.....too far from my storyline.....Come back, come back.......
B had assigned a few of us with a job scope......
-MW and her helpers: KSS, CT and C - food preparation
- D- Beer and " chillies"( y that .......I will tell u later)
-Me- Groceries + disposable cutleries
- K- Fetching of extra 2 young ladies
-A- Lying to someone
- the rest - Surprising someone
Ultimately - Enjoying ourselves and faking to be extremely rich.....
Well I am not saying that we are not rich.... We are rich with salary, careers, friends, happiness, family.......but not rich to the extend to be able to own a yacht.....
Talking about Yacht.... this is our main course.....
R, M, MY, BN and myself met B at Harbour Front MRT Exit C to hop onto the shuttle bus at 1215hrs, and we even walked a short distance, however it seemed that we missed the bus, and therefore we took cab in, 3 by 3 in one cab.....
However, we still missed each other, coz it seemed that there were different entry in Sentosa Cove Village..... hahahahah..
The first 3 reached one 15 Marina Club......
The other 3 reached the other entrance of Sentosa Cove Village....
But we managed to meet up after some delay......
Since the rest of them have not yet arrived and we were the earliest, We decided to proceed to cold storage for groceries.... We bought ice, tibits, drinks and fruits......... After payment, We decided to steal the trolley to the yacht parking lot, as there were too much to carry.....
Ok, remember, I mentioned that D's job was to buy beer and "chillies"
Actually the chillies were not required..... y
B told D to buy beer and thereafter remember to chill them
Our dear D asked: " how many chillies do u need?"
B was immediately "Stoned"
Just when we were laughing about it , D and S walked into Cold Storage.
B raise the question to him, however I was busy choosing items thus I did not managed to hear D's explanation.........
We were all very thirsty and MY paid for my drinks.... I must remember to pay her back......
oh ya..... Talking about this ..... I must pay the taxi-fare and yacht fare too....
OO...... I loved typing my blog.... it is a form of reminisce therapy..... Hee hee......
After much shopping, we decided to empty our bladders before we board the yacht ...
We intended to board the yacht first before that someone turns up....
However it seemed that everything started to go wrong...........one by one.....
Firstly, the weather ........(.天公不作美)was uncooperative ....... The whole skies were all dark.... I could see all the rain clouds started to gather above our heads....... and it started drizzling..... it was an on and off issue....
Secondly, the surprise did not go smoothly as planned, instead it went really hilariously wrong.....
S and A turned up at the carpark, A saw D and yet D did not hide....... SA then first saw S sitting while waiting for the rest of us to come out from the toilet...
SA asked A: " Is that S?"
A replied" Nope!"
SA then exclaimed "No?" the next moment S started to push the trolley and run......
Then SA saw D and slowly M, MY all strolled out of the toilet gracefully.....hahahaha
M even hid behind D's back as if SA can't see them.....
When B and I walked out of the toilet, we saw SA and my mind goes" OH NO! PLAN FAILED!"
But not to worry, We always have contingency plans prepared.....
Again to our horror, PLAN NO.2 Failed too........
Since it seemed that our first plan fell right through, we decided to board the yacht first while waiting for the rest of the "rich gang."
While strolling through the "yacht-parking lots", there were big, small, cool, beautiful yacht all resting in their lots.... Now you can imagine, how the rich enjoy life.... Indescribable.....
The moment we started to board the yacht, we began to explore the yacht and started our photo snapping...... We were so excited..... and looking forward to set sail out to sea...
The third thing that went wrong was the rest of the rich gang was late due to traffic jams...... thus about 1/2 hour of our time on board was taken up.....
The forth thing that went wrong was that SA did not realize that her 2 young ladies was joining us and yet our dear MW just said it out without realizing that B was about to eat her up........
YAH...... Everyone had arrived and we began to set sail out to see!
While setting out, our dear captain and co-captain - Govan and Rubin gave us few minutes of briefing , Dos and Don'ts and most importantly how to use the toilet flush............
Here I come, Ariel and Sebastian!
Sorry..... Throughout on board, There was no signs of any "Fish" , let alone mermaid or lobster.......
Our first stop-over was to St. John Island.......Some of us went strolling on St. John Island
It was a great stroll with Nature. We walked down to the beach and took some some funny pose shots
While on the way back to the yacht, C, CG and I enjoyed self -camera shots (自拍)。。。It was funny that we did not experience neck stiffness!!!!
.....Some went swimming and some went kayaking....... So in the end, we took turns to be wet.......
I had my chance rowing the kayak.......with SS and M on board... we took turns... Initially, our kayak kept going round and round.... but after a while I managed to get the hang of it and seemed quite good that I managed to row the kayak back to the yacht.......
Fun, Fun , Fun......
Our dear B went kayaking with two men K and D and she seems to have multiple complaints about the two of them.... hahahaha.....
Wait, let me ask her when I see her the next time.....
We should applaud the three J, A and R who dive into the water from the walkway bridge ........ Wow........
Would u do so???? Bravos.......
We stopped all activities when it started to rain and this round again with lightning..... so it safer to stop....
I thought only C,CG and BN did not get wet!!!!
We then sailed up to our next destination....
I was out on the top deck, rear area and the bow most of the time...... I could not sit still inside the saloon.....despite I was drooling with the food ..... I knew myself very well, I will puke definitely if I don't feel the wind breeze.....
Some of them took medication before boarding, some began to throw up .......
Actually it was because the yacht was not very stable, due to choppy waters, due to big ships cruising past and it was raining too....
Safety Tips: When your captain asked you to hold on to the railings, please do so....
You can thrown overboard due to the force....... !!!!!!!
please don't be a Metal Teeth.... (Stubborn) (铁齿)
We passed through Kusu Island and saw "Zheng He!" (郑和)
d(^_^o) You mean : The Hui-Chinese court eunuch, mariner, explorer, diplomat and fleet admiral who commanded expeditionary voyages to Southeast Asia, South Asia, Middle East and East Africa from 1405 to 1433
No lah..... (-_- ;) hahahaha
I meant our yacht cruised past the replica of an Imperial Zheng He Vessel (Chinese Junk Boat) that serve cuisine.........
We finally reached our second destination and we saw a few yacht packed side by side .....
Just beside us, we saw a group of young ladies dressed in bikini diving and swimming in the sea....
We did a small, small prank....... hahaha not really a prank... but the girls were fun, they went along with our calls and counting.
We saw them climb over the edge of their yacht and all lined up to get ready to dive into the water.... thus we joined in the fun, of course not in the water, but shouting 1, 2, 3 jump and they did! hahahaha
Cool.... We even met friends and colleague in such a small world.......
(>_<) too bad ! No handsome man or merman inside!!!
(i _ i) The man gets to see girls!
After making fun of others, time to make fun of our own people....
K bought along plastic hello kitty jewellery set ..... on board a yacht.....
(~ _~;) Really, have no idea what is in his head??
So SA, K,A and BN took turns to be our jewellery model.....
After being the model, they are so called flagged from famous part of Singapore!
Ok, (-_-#)
The last bad thing, My camera battery just died off!!!!!
Our day being in the rich man's world was coming to an end......
As I was still wet, I immediately went to change.....
ok Great! big problem!
(T_T) "Y"
I began to feel seasick.... and I was worried that I will puke while changing in the toilet..... How?
****** Yeh!!! A solution formed in my head, it sounded quite dumb but it worked!
I went into the room where we placed our bags.... I immediately took out my dry shorts, underwear and two plastic zip-lock bag...
I then walked up the stair, go out to the rear area, took a few breaths of the wind and return to the toilet.....
Stupidly, I can't lock the toilet door.... SA then told me that the latch was at the top..... ok...
Yacht toilet lock latch is at the top....Now I know....
Safety Tip No. 2 : Be good and listen to the briefing.... MUST PAY ATTENTION, OK!
Y? The toilet bowl in a yacht is very different from the ones on land, Even those up in air is also different!
I remembered that Govan said:
Before using the toilet bowl, press button for the water to flow out first........
ok.... I managed to find the button under the sink.....
The moment the water flowed out and I sat on it, I really felt sick.......
It really felt like using the toilet in air.....
Moving up and down as if air turbulence....!!!!!!!
Thereafter, I pressed the other button and flushed...
Well, the only difference was that the toilet paper was to be thrown into the dustbin, otherwise it will choked up the toilet.....
N one more pointers, When the captain tells you to use their toilet paper, then do what they tell u!!
Brand of toilet paper: Mr. Softie or etc.....
Who in the right mind will want to use their own tissue paper???
I then immediately changed my clothes, I thought that was my record time in changing.... I had never rushed and be so fast... I thought that was faster than I urinate....ahahahahah!!!!
After changing, I want up to the rear area, and put my slippers into the zip-lock bag....
Again, I returned into the room and packed everything into my bag........!!!!!
Thereafter, I rushed out of the room as if someone hot on my heels!!!!!
Wah lah...... I almost want to puke!!!! Thankfully I managed to control till the end!!!
I then joined SS, R and C at the bow....
We slowly cruised back to Sentosa Cove, and on the journey of returning, I was at the bow, enjoying the scenery and early beautiful sunset......
Upon reaching home, I immediately charged my camera, upload my photos into my computer and started to type my blog....
To tell u the truth, I felt that I was so still at sea, having that effect of up and down....
I am sure everyone felt that too.....
After typing my blog, I was like this: (@_@)
Good Night everyone!
If u are interested in booking a yacht, feel free to go to the website below: