城”。公元前484年, 阖閭死后,其子夫差继位。夫差是个好大喜功之人,他一心想讨伐齐国,称霸中原。
们可去象门城下掘地三尺取粮。” 不久,奸臣诬陷伍子胥私通齐国,夫差不分青红皂白,赐宝剑一把,逼
伍子胥死后,越王勾践便举兵伐吴,一路势如破竹,把吴国都城团团包围。 吴国军民被围困日久,城中粮
绝,每天都有人饿死。 这时,伍子胥的几个老部下突然想起伍子胥生前的嘱咐,便带领军民去象门挖地,
原来,这些城砖都是用糯米粉蒸熟后压制而成的。 这种糯米砖十分坚韧,即可做砖砖城,又可充饥。 这是
伍子胥生前暗地设下的“积粮防急”之计。 就这样,士兵和百姓靠着这些“城砖”,终于度过了劫难。
从此以后, 每逢过年,人们都要用糯米粉做成“城砖”,供奉伍子胥,以表示·他们对这位救命恩人的纪念。
久而久之,这些“城砖”便被称做 “年糕”, 形成了过年吃年糕的习俗。
New year cake is made by steaming dough made from rice powder. When it is done, its turns golden
brown, with a sticky and sweet texture.
New year Cake is a popular festive snack that has been around for thousand of years. It is said that
the cake originated in suzhou during the Spring and Autumn period. Suzhou was then the capital city
of the Wu kingdom, where Emperor He Lu was assisted by Wu Zi Xu in administrative matters. The
country once met with a spell of good weather, which gave it bountiful harvest for several seasons.
"We should save the harvest surplus for the rainy days." "Your Highness, please allow me to take
care of the matter."
Wu Zi Xu ordered the excess grains to be immersed in water and steamed.
The grains were then mashed into bean paste to form bricks.
"Stack these rice bricks up along the city wall and cover them with another layer of brick wall."
After Emperor He Lu died, his son Fu Chai succeeded to the throne. He waged war on the northern
states to gain domination, acting upon slanderous rumors and forced Wu Zi Xu to commit suicide.
Wu Kingdom was later counter attacked by the Yue kingdom, resulting political upheaval, and
caused widespread famine. "I am hungry, but there's nothing left to eat, not even tree bark. What
should we do now?" "Before his death, minister Wu said that if we are starving, we can break down
the inner city wall." "Oh yes! The wall was made of rice bricks!" " Are these edible?"
"We can soften them by heating them up. Let's tell everybody."
"It is delicious! If not for Minister Wu, we would have starved to death."
To honor Wu Zi Xu, rice bricks were baked and offered to him during New Year and slowly this
become the custom of eating New Year Cakes.
References: 黎明.(2010).中华文化知识全知道. 北京:海潮出版社.
Reference: Asiapac Books.(2007.Origins of Chinese Food Culture. Singapore: Loi Printing.
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