Saturday, May 13, 2006

I am back, Finally!!

It had been half a year since I last wrote my last entry !!
Something had happened and it stopped me from typing my blog! At first, I thought it will a fast recovery, but I was wrong..... It took me half a year to regain back my energy and my confidence to type out my daily happenings !!

Hereby, I shall apologize and thank my friends, who took pains to remind me that I had stopped writting my blog for a long time, and it is due time for me to forget about the whole incident and life have to go on!

Well, for starters, I had finished my exam and my PRCP attachments and now I returned to my sponsor and started working.... Everyone was surprised that I started work so early without any holidays break! But I am satisfied enough to start work , as I will be getting back my usual pay, instead of a student's one!!

Anyway, I was sent to a very comfortable working environment and my colleagues are all very nice people, they are very patient with me and ensuring that I had a comfortable time at work...
So I am very thankful for that!!

My next goal will be to be able to work independently for next days to come .... and to be polite and thankful to everyone for their guidance....

That's for all... I will be entering more.......

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