Monday, February 21, 2011

My cutie family member's stories: My Grandparents爷爷奶奶




男主外,女主内。。。。 爷爷不知何故丢了店员的工作, 奶奶便把积蓄拿出来让爷爷自己作生意。 我觉得奶奶是个坚强的女性, 又要帮爷爷作生意,又要治家,教子。


“长幼内外, 宜法肃辞严。"

爷爷他是个少话的人,他在我十二岁那年去世了,虽然他和我的相处极短,但记忆依然清晰。我记得爷爷奶奶要作生意,天还没亮就要到巴杀去卖凤梨,只因家里没人照顾我,只好索性带着我一起去, 爷爷骑着三轮车把我载来载去,真好玩!

我还和整个巴杀的摊贩们成为好朋友。。。。。 在巴杀的日子是我童年最快乐的时光。



不管是在旧家或新家,爷爷喜欢坐在家门前,觉得凉爽。 他也是个有时间观念的人,做什么都要准时, 按照时间走。该什么时候吃饭:六点钟,什么时候散步:三至四点钟,什么时候睡觉:十点钟。。。。 不得有误!!

爷爷睡觉前一定要喝牛奶吃面包,是他的习惯。。。。 这就让我学到了。。。。也成为我的习惯。

爷爷的乐趣惟有赌博。。。。 我记得有一次爷爷心血来潮要我们和他赌一把(我们指的是奶奶,我和弟弟)玩的是三个公(三张牌加在一起,要最小点或三张都是公就赢)

我们还乘爷爷上厕所,出老千,把他的好牌给换了,换上烂牌。。。。。 哈哈哈哈硬说他输了!!!!




她也常常提醒我:“一粥一饭,当思来处不易;半丝半缕, 恒念物力维艰。”


直到现在我才知道爷爷奶奶的朋友都是以前的旧邻居,是什么样的力量让这份友谊永久不衰, 年年惦记,






Saturday, February 19, 2011

求签。。。。。。 笑死我啦!!!

今天是我工作非常忙碌的一天,也不知道为何却频频出错。只要是用看的,一定出错, 吓得我不敢给药,或是做任何重要事务。我只敢尽量把我能做的芝麻绿豆事务做好,不出错!!


我的叔叔每个星期五一定来我家吃饭,我老爸乘我在吃宵夜时,说了一句话:我去替女儿求签。。。。。。 害我差一点笑出来!幸好在我的对面没有任何人,否则就米饭淋头!!!!

哈哈哈!我老爸居然去求签。。。。。。 笑死我啦!!!



连菩萨都说不用急,只能等!!!!! 哈哈哈哈


我看着老爸, 心里想着:YE!不会再来烦我了。。。。。才怪。。。。。。。

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

My cutie family member's stories: Siti--小姑

Wa.........!!!! It is a brand new chinese lunar year...... It has been very long since I last wrote about my 大姑姑.
Since I had just completed two of my assignment, now i am free to share the story about my 小姑.

Hey tell u something, my two aunt is known as 大美人, ok!!!  and my 小姑 更是沉鱼落雁,避月羞花的大美女。It means when my aunt is on the street, fish swimming will sink, birds flying will fall, moon will hide, flower will be shy when they see her!!!!!

okok, I know you sure will not believe (later I show u her photo) I am not bluffing......
Don't vomit。。。。。 I telling the truth!!!

She is a very refined lady, but at times she can be very very fierce! And  that happens when I made her very mad, How?

Simple ! Just talk loudly, laugh loudly and be very uncivillized or speak in vulger language!!!
Everyone who knows me, knows that I am a very 粗鲁person!小姑 has been trying to change me to be gentle lady, it has been so many years and she has never stopped trying! (How? Later I explain)

For me, I always believe that it is deep-rooted in my behaviour, and it will not hurt anyone, so I am fine with it......Of course it is not FINE with her........

EVerytime, I talk loudly or laugh crazily...... she will stare at me, frown and say " shhhhhhh!!! 女孩子家,讲话不要这么大声!几岁了,都要三十岁了还这样! 哎哟!"

What I answer to her will depend on my mood, if I am in good mood, I will say

But when I am irritated: "OK OK... You are very nosiy ! Sister!" Then I will purposely talk even louder!!!!
but she seem not affected....... and will continue :
"得, u are a girl! not behaving in this manner!!!! OR shhhhhhhhhhh! 小声点!!!!"

She is never affected by whatever answer I give and will still continue with her teachings.........

My dad calls her Siti, but I have another nick for her and no one knows! I call her 虫小姐,Y?
she 作工一条龙,在家一条虫. No lah, she does help with the housework..... it is just that most of the time I see her, she is lying in bed!! She will spend at least 5hrs in bed just resting on weekends when she is not working...... she seems to never get enough rest!!!!
However everyone in the family like to talk to her or even tell her secrets, coz u will never need to worry there is a third party who knows about your secret!!!!

Sometime, she will help me with the housework e.g. when I am supposed to mop the floor, she will just quietly sweep the floor and say : "得, i sweep already, u can start mopping. " she will not 计较 little matters with us.

 She is also my dad's private accountant, she will deal with matters concerning income tax, CPF and other miscellaneous.....

The most hilarious part about her is that after each travel trips, " 小姑, how is your trip? Fun?"
She will reply u: " ok loh! nothing to see !"
Until  my dad cannot tahan....... "Go and travel to the moon lah., sure got nothing!"