Tuesday, September 17, 2013

《Stories of Love 爱的故事-无私的奉献》 ----破镜重圆Piecing up a broken mirror----

The chinese idiom "Piecing up a broken mirror " refers to the reunion of husband and wife after an enforced separation. It originated from a love story which took place during the chaotic war time of the Southern Dynasties.

During the last years of the Southern Dynasties, the Sui state sent its official, Yang Su to attack the Chen Dynasty.

The troops led by Yang Su, invaded the palace.

Everyone in the palace began to flee.

“公主, 敌兵已杀到,万一失散了,只盼能保住性命,再图团聚!”
"The enemies are here, Princess. If we're separated.....

"My Dear husband..."

"If I die and you do remarry, don't forget the love we once shared...."
"How could I  forget you and our life together!"

公主拿出一面镜子,往案上一敲,“砰”的一声, 镜子变成两半。
The princess took out a miror and hit it against the table, The mirror broke into halves.

"We'll each keep half of this mirror. If we're separated, we'll try to meet again by selling it during the 15th of the first month of each year."
Princess Lechang and Xu Deyan eventually lost each other amidst the chaos of the war.

Princess Lechang was later captured by Yang Su's men.

"We've captured a great beauty, Your Excellency!"

Yang Su was mesmerised by Princess Lechang's beauty when he saw her. "Wow! She is as beautiful as an angel!"

Yang Su adored the Princess, anfg gave her a luxurious life but she wasn't happy.

She thought of her husband all the time. "Where are you, my dear husband?"

Yang Su asked :"Why are so unhappy, my beauty? I'll give you whatever you want."

"My husband and I were separated during the war. I wonder if he's still alive."

"Why are you still thinking of your husband when you have such a good life here? He may be poor and penniless even if he's still alive!"

"My heart will never change no matter what happens!"

"Stubborn girl! All right. I'll let you go if he is still alive!"

It was the 15th of the first month of the year. Princess Lechang summoned an old servant, "take this piece of mirror to the market in Chang-an an sell it.

长安夜市好不热闹。“卖镜呀!” “卖镜呀!谁要半面镜子?”
The night market was buzzing with activity, "Mirror for sale! Mirror! Half a piece of mirror for sale!"

“这老头真傻,拿个破镜子来卖!” “对呀!哈哈哈....”
"Who would want to buy a  broken mirror?" "Stupid old man...." "hahaha!"

“老人家! 我要买!铜镜的主人呢?”
"Sir! I'll buy this broken piece. But, tell me, who is the owner of this mirror?"

"She is my master's favourite concubine, Princess Lechang."   

"Princess Lechang?! How is she?"

"Sign! Although my master adores her, she cries all day..."

Xu Deyan knew that the Princess had not forgotten him, and took out his portion of the mirror
" Please...Can you pass this piece of mirror to the princess?"

When the servant handed the broken piece of mirror to princess Lechang..... she recognised it immediately....

"My husband is still alive, Your Excellency! You promised to release me when I found him"

Yang Su finally let Princess Lechang go. " I am impressed by your fidelity, and I'll honour my word. You are free to go now!"

Princess Lechang and Xu Deyan were finally reunited. Princess Lechang's love towards her husband was strong and unyielding. She kept her promise to her husband, unmoved by wealth and luxury...and left behind this touching and beautiful love story.

References: Asiapac Comic (1999). Stories of love. Singapore:Asiapac Books Pte Ltd. Page103-113.
参 考文献:《爱的故事-无私的奉献》...................新加坡:亚太图书有限公司,2000年第109-120页。

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

< Many Faces of SouthEast Asia> -- Myanmar

The nation of Myanmar had gained its independence in 1948. Before that it was known as the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

The Country's rich fertile lands are served by the Irrawaddy River, covering up to area 47,000sqkm, half of the entire country are covered by forest and produces a huge variety of plants and tropical fruits such as bananas, citrus, mangoes and guava. They are also the world's largest exporter of teak, jade, pearls, rubies and sapphires.

The country's capital city was previously located in Yangon, however the capital was shifted to Nay Pyi Taw on June, 2008.

There is this special and unique tree that produces tiny fragrant yellow-gold flowers, which fully blossoms in April annually, yet this coincides with the country new year festival. When the flowers are in full-bloom, the entire tree appears golden. The tree name - Padauk , stands for strength and durability while it flowers signify youth, love and romance, and they are considered as the nation national flower.

Different ethnicities gathered together to trade in Myanmar as early as 11,000 years ago. The traders and early settlers brought goods from all over Southeast Asia and southern China, taking advantage of Myanmar's strategic location as a gateway to China, through Yunnan.

The first civilization was founded by the Mons from southwest coastal areas and the Mekong river valley, where they started settling in the south before moving to the north central Irrawaddy river valley, which began around 3000B.C. The Mons created the first kingdom called Suwarnabhumi with a nearby port called Thaton.

The Pyus arrived in Myanmar around the seventh century A.D. and established cities at Binnaka, Mongamo, Sri Ksetra and Halingyi. It was a flourishing period of trading from China to India. By 849 B.C, the Burman empire had gained power in the city of Bagan( Pagan. Anawrahta's reign (1044-1077) successfully unified all of Myanmar by defeating the Mons in 1057.

The Burmans re-established themselves in Ava in 1364. However due to lacked of defences at their borders, they were overtaken by the Shan in 1527. 

During the first Anglo-Burmese War (1824-1826), they lost Assam, Manipur, Arakan and Tenasserim to the British. In the second Anglo-Burmese war in 1852, the province of  Bago was incorporated and renamed as Lower Burma. Eventually the whole country was taken over in the third Anglo-Burmese War.

Burma was made a province of the British Empire in India in 1886. It was then separated as a Crown Colony in 1937, and was given partial self-government , however the move failed to satisfy nationalists seeking full independence.

The Anglo-Burmese war resulted in a change in leadership in Myanmar, which replaced its king Pagin Min to King Mindon Min.

King Mindon modernised the regions and founded a new capital city at Mandalay.

Students, hoever impatient with the pace of progress towards independence, had established  a new group called "Thakin" In 1930s, Burmese hero Aung San belonged to this group.

The British attempted to arrest him however he managed to escape to China, later sheltered by the Japanese. He had created the modern Burmese Military on Dec26,1942 in Bangkok, together with other 30 comrades, he became an independence fighter, nicknamed as "Bogyoke" - General.

The Mons are among the earliest migrants who had come into contact with Buddhism through sea routes.
 The writing system was also derived from  an early Indic Script which served the commonality with Thailand, Laos and Cambodia.

The country's national costume consists of two pieces: the Longyi (Sarong), which is made of cotton, and the eingyi (Blouse/Shirt). Gaung-Baung(Turbans) completes the traditional attire.

A notable trait of the Myanmar people is captured by the term ah nar hmu, which comes from a sense of compassion or fellowship.

The early people are called Pyus, and the country has 135 ethnic groups and these include the Barmar, Chin, Hmongs, Kayin, Kayah, Mons, Rakhine and the Shans. Most mainly live in the mountainous and hilly areas or near the borders.

Pagodas in Myanmar are multi-tiered and constructed for religious purposes- specifically for Theravada Buddhism. The pagodas are typically decorated in white paint or gold gildings . The country has so many pagodas that is fondly known as the  "Land of Pagodas."

 Asiapac Culture (2010). Many faces of Southeast Asia. Singapore: Asiapac Books Pte Ltd.

< Many Faces of South-East Asia> ---Cambodia---

What do we know of Cambodia? Only two things comes to your mind-Angkor Wat and
the Khmer Rouge...

Angkor Wat is a historical temple built in the early 21st century A.D. for King Suryavarman II. Now
temple is a UNESCO World heritage site.

The Khmer Rouge was a communist party that ruled Cambodia from 1975 to 1979. During the four
year reign, Cambodia had underwent the most traumatic political eras in the history of mankind.

Under the reign, an estimated 1.5 million Cambodians lost their lives. Private properties, religion and
money were banned, family was separated while the whole city was ruined.
Cambodia was located in the South-East Asia and borders on the Gulf of Thailand, sandwiched
between Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. The country is full of paddies and forest flanked by the
Mekong River and Tonle Sap (Great Lake of Cambodia).

In the seventh century A.D., the Angkor empire flourished under the rule of King Jayavarman II's
rule. The famous Angkor Wat temple was built as a testament to the prosperous era. Over the next
600years, his successors had expanded control over much of mainland South-East Asia, including
Myanmar, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam.  Being part of Indochina (a peninsula lying roughly on the
southwest of China and east of India. It refers to the location of the territory between the two
countries, even though the majority of people are neither Chinese nor Indian), they are strongly
influenced by the Indian civilization on its writing system, cultural movements, architectural
styles. and even Hindu and Buddhist teachings. Being sandwiched between powerful countries,
Cambodia has to work very hard to defend itself from them between the 16th and 19th centuries.
Thailand invaded several times, destroyed the capital Phnom Penh in 1772, as well as in the final
years of the 18th century A.D. Vietnam attempted to conquer Cambodia.

In the 1850s, Cambodians request French protection from its neighbours but was colonised by them instead. The colonised regime ended during the second world war. King Sihanouk gain control in 1952, reigned in power from 1955-1970, however he was removed from power by the communists in year 1968 due to the civil war. Thereafter, Cambodia was renamed the Khmer Republic.

The notorious  known " Pol Pot" was the leader and in the year 1975, he started his merciless drive to start a "New Cambodia"
Education was banned, and anyone wearing "spectacles" was executed. people who reside in the city were hand over to slave labour in the agricultural fields.

His regime of terror only ended with a Vietnamese military assault on the dictatorship in 1978.

90% of the Cambodians are Khmer, who are generally tall, have slightly darker skin and short curly hair. Their heritage hints at a mixture of Mongol and Melanesian bloodlines, though their origins are unknown.

The national flower of Cambodia can be found everywhere in the country , as they are planted in public parks for decorative purposes. The Rumdul bears aromatic yellowish-white flowers and can grow up to 12metres tall. In the olden days, Cambodian women were compared to this delicate flower.

There are over 100 stone temples all across Cambodia, and they were built during the Khmer civilization, between 802-1220. These stone temples represent Cambodia's golden era with its focus on grand ceremonies.

Today the country is a multi-democracy party under a constitutional monarchy, and is striving to reclaims its dignity and wealth.

 Asiapac Culture (2010). Many faces of Southeast Asia. Singapore: Asiapac Books Pte Ltd.




两人轮流扛,但由于满空是徒弟,自然大部分时间由他来扛。 回庙的路还很长,可是满空已

觉得那袋米越来越重。 镜虚走的快,满空只得勉强跟上。



这时,他们来到了一个村子。 一个头顶着水罐的美丽少妇迎面向他们走来。







镜虚: “那袋米重吗?”


镜虚: “你发现了吗? 当你逃避村民的追赶时,已忘了重不重的感觉。


镜虚:“哈哈哈!” 镜虚一面笑一面回头看村子。


Reference: Asiapac Books.(2003).禅心慧语 Zen Wisdom Stories. Singapore: 福岛印务。

禅心慧语-赤裸裸的真实 《禅的故事》



恰巧省长前来这里拜祭父亲的坟墓。 当他看到坟场里坐着一个赤裸的和尚,大吃一惊。

省长:“ 为什么你不穿衣服? 难道你对死者没有一点敬意吗?”

草加和尚: “我只有一件僧袍,刚洗了。我在等它干,才会跑到这个没人的地方躲着。”



----  坦白可以消除一切误会。----

Reference: Asiapac Books.(2003).禅心慧语 Zen Wisdom Stories. Singapore: 福岛印务。