Sunday, June 21, 2009

Cute Comics strips to share

The comics posted on my blog are drawn by Mr.萧言中.
Just to share with you some of it!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Planning for a short holiday!!!!

Oh! Finally I can breathe! Just three days ago, my boss told me to clear my annual leave as I still have remaining 18 days not clear! I was just wondering how should I spend my leave. Coincidentally, my friend L sms me on my phone and asked if I was interested in planning a trip to South Korea for holiday!

I got very excited and told my boss that I will take my annual leave in either end of August or early September, and she was agreeable provided no one request to take leave at the same period.

I began to do my homework, to find out more about South korea and check out cheap tour packages. I went to the library on Saturday with my friend L, loaned books on South Korea and did some surfing on the internet to find out what the tour agencies were offering. Now my main concern is the money and the dates to set off for my holiday!
Anyway, I will discuss further with L and plan a date to the tour agencies to get a good deal!
Wish myself "Good Luck!"

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


《御香缥缈》 原作:德珍 内容简介:德珍的古典美女画风,在台湾插画界独树一格,精雕细琢的装饰和细致彩绘的服饰,是德珍最为读者称道的绘画功力,令人叹为观止。《御香缥缈》将以清朝光绪帝与珍妃的故事为主轴,精致绘图辅以动人故事情节,让读者在赏图之馀,也能融入一则凄美的爱情故事。唯有两个字 - 凄美。。。。。。。。。。

西元一九○○年 清光緒二十六年 墜落井中的 何止是光緒皇帝的一顆心 涵蓋著王朝即將傾覆的國祚 二十四歲最璀璨動人的青春 十一年的宮闈生涯 隨著短暫擴泛的漣漪 環繞著後人蕩氣迴腸的喟歎聲。

那一口井 以妃為名 珍 妃 井 。

戊戌政变,帝党夺权的惨败,未来两人的命运是什么? 此刻,囚徒相对的惶恐与煎熬,鞭笞两颗无措的心。 在这个皇权的政治中心,被付予的是什么?被剥夺的又将是什么?不过是最深沉又绝望的爱……

戊戌政变,帝党夺权的惨败,未来两人的命运是什么? 此刻,囚徒相对的惶恐与煎熬,鞭笞两颗无措的心。 在这个皇权的政治中心,被付予的是什么?被剥夺的又将是什么?不过是最深沉又绝望的爱……

慈禧太后能主宰皇帝的一切,却驾驭不了皇帝的心。景仁宫里充满着宫外携进来的洋式珍奇新巧之物,娇羞的笑靥和灵洁的双眼,掳获占据皇帝百分百的心房、抚慰着朝堂上无力满怀的颓懊。 一个妃子慰烫牵动着这冷宫里至尊天子的心,就算沉醉在琼楼玉宇的人间炼狱中,也甘于承受风雨前的宁静,嬉情在方寸的天涯中。

昨日浮华喧笑今日都成沉默这春兮之夜谁来与共眷恋着 这尘事 这蝉世梦和着泪落入黑幕中徒留一盏红颜笑隐人间中。

至此,冷宫和瀛台,成了宫闱中忌讳的话题。 精雕宏伟的皇城中,圈禁着两份相系煎熬的心, 日夜翘首企盼,苦等未来重逢的契机。

责处一个忤逆的宫妃,就是谪贬入冷宫, 分别禁锢这对子媳,就是对两人最严峻的刑罚,绝了他们所有的欲念和奢望。 而人岂知,临别的一眼,竟成了永诀……

Monday, June 08, 2009

Cute Comics strip to share!!!

I surfed the internet and came across some chinese humerous comics strips and like to share the jokes with u all! U can click on them if too small!

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Road Safety!! Be Careful! Don't be Sorry!!

Hi Hi, I am back! Time flies..... My time at work passed very fast.... In an blink of eye, it is already june!!!!

Sights of horror to share:
On my last night duty, I boarded the bus 72 which were usually packed with people in the late evening. I managed to squeeze in and happened to stand next to the bus driver. While standing, my view was focused on the road. To my horror, I actually saw an elderly lady riding a bicycle on the side of the road, as if the road belonged to her. She was riding at her own pace, swaying from side to side and was oblivious that cars were zooming past her. The way she ride, she was just oblivous to danger that were just lurking around! The bus I was on, was right behind her...Fortunately, the bus driver was alert and consious to road safety.... He actually slowed down and allowed the elderly lady to ride slowly and safely in front before he stopped the bus at the bus stop!!! Phew!! That was close!!! It is very frightening that people do not have any safety consious on the road!!!

Now I finally can stand in my dad's shoes to understand why he never allowed my brother to ride on motorbikes and me travelling by bicycle to work!!! He is very very firm on these rules.. "Why expose yourself to danger when you can avoid!!"

Again, I had another fright in the morning after my night duty.... I promised to buy blood pressure monitoring set for my grandmother's friend, thus I went over to the polyclinic .. While I was waiting to cross the road, I saw an elderly lady standing on the road ( almost middle of the road) waiting to cross over... However it seemed that she had the concept that cars will avoid her .... and worse she actually looked in the opposite direction, The cars were zooming past her with her back facing them. OH my God!!! I was just holding my breath and breaking into cold sweat!!!!! What if she got knocked down and the the driver got charged for causing injuries or death to some one unluckily!!!!

luckily she managed to cross the road safety!!!! That was close!!!!