Saturday, August 27, 2005

VERy UPSet and ANGRY AGAin!!!!!

Yesterday I had an unhappy evening ...... TOday I again had another unhappy evening!!!!!
I really hate to have someone who agreeed to go out with me and when it is not even time to leave, she left !!!!!! This is not the first time already...... When she gave me that innocent look, I know it is no point in talking about it... She had to leave....

AND it is BEtter for me to keep my MOUTH SHUT!!!!!

I am very disappointed with such thing happening again and again.... I know it is my fault to change the time... but she had agreed to it....

EVerytime, again and again..... My tolerance fuse is actually burning out....
ANd each time, my anger subsided.... I am the one who took the initiative to call her....

THis round.... I am not going to do that ...... I am really very angry and this kind of anger can last for a long long time.....

SOme body else may think it is really imature to be angry with such some things.... but i can tell u, when I am angry with anyone.... that means that person does not treat me as her friend at all.... that will really pissed me off!!!!

Ok.... Petty behaviour.... But I can Tell you for sure..... When I am Angry....... Everyone stay away from me as if I am a wounded tiger.... When I bite, I will definately injured that person OR people till they bleed profusely.....

Yes... I may be positive all the time.... Cheerful all the time!!!! But when I am very angry... I can chose to totally ignored that whoever..... for a very very long time.......

AND so this time, THIS FRIEND of mine is totally PROSECUTED FROM MY TERITORY!!!

1 comment:

ezycase said...

wow... power man... but anger is not good for health... if this friend of yours don't really treat you like a friend, then there is no point taking the initiative to call her. i think she doesn't know that the things she do affects you so much... i don't think she deserves to have you taking initiative to call her everytime she do something wrong... it's not petty... i do that too... when no one respects me... i have talked less isn't it? but i choose to ignore the anger... i don't want to be old that fast... i don't want my dear fried to be old granny this fast too... hee... cheer up! it's break time! holiday! tell you what, you scares me when you r angry... :P