Tuesday, September 06, 2005

A funny day at school

Hey.....it is a nice tuesday........ I start school today at 10am....... My first lesson today was module HS 3055 D2 Care of Elderly....The lecturer who taught us this module is a very cute and funny lady..... her lesson is never boring instead it was very enjoyable...... At first, I thought that this module is going to be a dull subject..but to my suprise, it was totally the opposite....

Today..... the lesson was on Constipation in the elderly....... It was until today, that all of us in the lecture theatre realized that she had no front teeth......How did we discover that????? Oh.... that was easy, coz when she cracked a joke about faeces..... she herself laughed and we saw the empty slot in the centre..... But anyway she was a nice lady...... so we couldn't bear to laugh at her.....Instead we laughed at her joke......

Let me shared her joke with you:

There was this Indian who want to a shop somewhere in the world.... He wanted to buy some dog food ...... the boss of the shop was an Englishman took a look at him and thought that he was crazy and said: " If you want to buy dog's food, you must bring your dog here and then I will sell you the dog's food!" So the Indian man left and return with his dog. The Englishman then sold the dog food to him.....
Somedays later, this Indian man went back to the shop, and this round he want to buy cat's food .....then same thing, the Englishman wanted to see the cat, before he sell him the cat's food... The Indian man brought the cat and then bought the cat's food...

This time, theIndian realized that the Shop owner wanted proof of what he needed....and so the next time, he went to the shop, he brought along a big plastic ..... the Englishman put his hand into the plastic and pull something out..... to his Horror.... it was faeces...... The Englishman shouted " You idiot!!" The Indian man said innocently: " Hehe, I need Toilet paper.....!"


1 comment:

MinnieMouse said...

aiyo...u write like dat hor...i thk if anyone who is in the same lecture grp as us come across this blog will know which lecturer u talking abt lor...haha...worse still if the lecturer saw this entry...should she thank u for praising her fun lectures or should she be angry cos u "published" her "no front teeth" online...haha...lucky, im nt the lecturer...phew...! haha...